Friday, June 15, 2012

A Shout Out to the Rock Stars

Okay, today has exploded in my face a little bit, so I will table the discussion of communication for a day when I have more time to devote to it. So for today, let me share two really young and awesome sex activist rock stars who make my day!

Tavi Gevinson, TedXTeen rock star, gave a really wonderful talk a few months ago about representations of women in pop culture, female role models, and feminism. I love how she talks about feminism and all of these concepts as a work in progress. The name of her talk is "Still Figuring It Out," which is how I feel pretty much every day of my life. Watch her talk here.

And more recently, I came across an article on the NY Times blog that profiles a 16 year old girl named Aparna Bhola who teaches sex education at a girls' shelter in Mumbai. This badass feminist has had quite a life, and I've seen a lot of people on social media sites remark that her story is so sad! I actually had the opposite reaction - she took her early childhood experiences, her unique position, and her knowledge base, and is now channeling all that experience into making a difference in her community. Isn't that what we all want to do with our lives? I see this as a wonderfully happy and inspiring story of a person (and several organizations) making a real and positive change right where it is needed most.

So much love and support going out to these two young people and all the amazing activists I read about and work with every day! And a more lengthy post tomorrow, I promise.

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